The wide range of our supplied fans enables you to solve and perform any air suction and dust cessation tasks, including pneumo transporters for bulk materials. COMBIFAB fans include airflow up to 90.000 m3/h and up to 10.000 Pa pressure range. These fans use significantly less electricity and are characterized by high efficiency (up to 85).
Direct-driven models are suitable for small and medium-sized air streams, and models with belt drive-high-performance air streams. The fans are supplied with three types of impeller: R-winged Clean air, S-impeller for contaminated air, and T-wings for Pneumotranfts.
The manufacturing and customization experience by aligning with the uncompromising selection of materials ensures that the customer will receive a very reliable fan. This confirms millions of operating hours in extremely harsh conditions.

Rotary Valves
Rotary valves of NRS are used for the transfer of bulk materials between two separate (pressurized and pressure-pressing) systems. They use in aspiration and pneumo transport systems when a bulk transfer of materials from a filter or cyclone to a hopper containing atmospheric pressure is required.

Air withdrawal Sleeves
For air withdrawal directly from the place of work. The sleeves are easily adjustable, compact, their position is changed very simply.
The sleeves are supplied with various accessories: mounts for wall mounting, ceiling hoods, and wallpapers. The sleeves are connected to the vacuum and filtration system to remove the pollutants from the air to allow clean air to be discharged into the atmosphere.
